
MAVALE, well that's me, or much better: that's my music!
There's not a lot to tell about me personally what I find necessary to share. I already started making music in the late ninetees. Many years later more seriously (from 2017, but forget the older work). In between, I had to earn money for a living… and that took a lot of time ;-) The music business is a hard bussiness. That's why I don't like it so much.
Further I like to stay independent.. make my own choices and want to create what I want to do or change style if I want to.
I like to share my music with you for free (it's really totally for free, also to download my music - see rights) and if you like it please let me know. I do appreciate that very much!. (The dislikers/haters don't have to respond :-), It's not your cup of tea, and that is also okay!)
MAVALE is a one man project. Located in The Netherlands.

About my music: It's an Electronic kind of music (with featuring artists) based on a combination of Trap, House, EDM, HipHop & Pop. Sometimes dark, sometimes light, hopefully, dreaming away, positive and down to earth.
I like to think out of the box and make different kinds of music, whether or not combined with music videos. I also really enjoy combining different types of music (for instance: combining jazz samples in a dance record, or mixing techno influences through an ambient record). I like to make crossovers. I use existing samples, combining them and create on keyboard my own samples and mix them all together.

The Short version: I'm just a guy who likes to create and compose music & music videos.
Curious? Look around and enjoy this website, or take a look on Social Media:

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